导读 您好,今天柳柳来为大家解答以上的问题。values什么意思,values相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、从官网上摘录的,非常


1、从官网上摘录的,非常全面,配中文翻译,求给分!   以下为中英对照的Global values, 答网申的时候只填每条横线前面的部分就行了。

2、   We lead by example - at all levels acting in a way that exemplifies what we expect of each other and our clients.   以身作则 为人表率 - 各个级别的人员都从我做起,用行动给同事和客户做榜样。

3、   We work together - bringing out the best in each other and creating strong and successful working relationships.   上下一心 团队精神 - 让每个人发挥所长,建立密切和谐的工作关系。

4、   We respect the individual - respecting people for who they are, and for their knowledge, skills, and experience as individuals and team members.   互敬互重 群策群力 - 尊重每个人的个性,尊重他们个人以及作为团体成员的知识﹑技能和经验。

5、   We seek the facts and provide insight - challenging assumptions, pursuing facts, and strengthening our reputation as trusted and objective business advisors.   实事求是 卓见精辟 - 求证假设,探究事实,名符其实成为客户值得信赖和客观的合作伙伴。

6、   We are open and honest in our communication - sharing information, insight and advice frequently and constructively and managing tough situations with courage and candour.   开诚布公 言行一致 - 经常地﹑有建设性地分享信息﹑观点和建议,凭勇气和真诚战胜困难。

7、   We are committed to our communities - acting as responsible corporate citizens and broadening our skills, experience and perspectives through our work in our communities.   热心公益 回馈社会 - 承担作为企业公民的责任,通过参与社会公益活动,进一步巩固我们的技能﹑经验和洞察力。

8、   Above all, we act with integrity - constantly striving to uphold the highest professional standards, provide sound advice and rigorously maintain our independence.   诚信为本 守正不移 - 时刻坚持最高的专业准则,提供切实可行的建议,一丝不苟地维护我们的独立性。
