导读 您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。i knew you were trouble,i know you were trouble歌词相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让

您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。i knew you were trouble,i know you were trouble歌词相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、once upon a time  在很久很久之前  a few mistakes ago  当一切都是无容置疑的时候  i was in your sights  我在你的视线里  you got me alone  只身一人  you found me you found me, you found me  你寻寻觅觅地找到了我,是的,你找到了我  i guess you didn’t care,  让我猜猜看。

2、你一定毫不在乎  and i guess i liked that  再让我思索一下,你的毫不在乎是我喜欢上你的理由  and when i fell hard  我深陷了有你的爱河里  you took a step back  而你却不是原地等我,而往后退步  without me without me, without me  离我而去。

3、没错,你离我而去  and he’s long gone  他的心永不属我,千里之外  when he’s next to me  即使他不过近在咫尺  and i realize  我暮然忆起  the blame is on me  所有问题的差错在于我身上  cuz i knew you were trouble when you walked in  当你降临于我的生活时。

4、我就知道你是我无法躲避的劫难  so shame on me now  现在只能深深地埋怨自己  I flew me to places i’ve never been  你带我私奔,流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际  till you put me down oh  直至你狠狠地将我推下沼泽  i knew you were trouble when you walked in  当你走近我生活的那一刻,我就知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱  so shame on me now  现在只能深深地埋怨自己  I flew me to places i’ve never been  你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景  now i’m lying on the cold hard ground  而此刻。

5、我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面  oh oh trouble trouble trouble  劫难,陷阱,无法躲避  oh oh trouble trouble trouble  劫难。

6、陷阱,无法逃避  no apologies,  没有半句道歉  he’ll never see you cry  他永远不会懂得你的哭泣  pretend he doesn’t know,  装作未曾发生,毫不知情  that he’s the reason why  他就是你哭泣至天明的原因  you’re drowning, you’re drowning, you’re drowning  你让你窒息。

7、未能呼吸  heard you moved on,  他移情别恋,将你的挚爱甩开脑后  from whispers on the street  人们在大街小巷八卦地讨论着  a new notch in your belt is all i’ll ever be (*注)  而我就仅仅是你闪地发亮的真皮皮带上的一个小孔罢了  and now i see, now i see, now i see  此刻,我如梦清醒  and he’s long gone  他不属你。

8、他的挚爱在万里开外  when he’s next to me  即使他近在眼前  and i realize  我清楚的意识到  the joke is on me  这是我对自己开的一个天大的笑话  I knew you were trouble when you walked in  当你悄无声息地踏入我生活的那一瞬,我便知道你是我无法躲避的噩耗  so shame on me now  只能傻傻地埋怨自己  I flew me to places i’ve never been  你带我飞去,我不曾落足的边际  till you put me down oh  直至将我狠狠地退入沼泽地里  i knew you were trouble when you walked in  当你光顾我生活的那一刹那。

9、我便知道你是我无法逃避的袭击  so shame on me now  只能傻傻地责怪自己  I flew me to places i’ve never been  你带我看遍,我不曾浏览的风景  now i’m lying on the cold hard ground  而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面  oh oh trouble trouble trouble  劫难。

10、陷阱,无法躲避  oh oh trouble trouble trouble  劫难,陷阱。

11、无法逃避  and the saddest fear  最悲伤的恐惧  comes creeping in  永无止尽地蔓延在我的脑海里  that you never loved me, or her, or anyone  你不曾爱过我,也不曾爱过她,亦或是任何人  or anything, yeah  任何事情  I knew you were trouble when you walked in  当你走进我生活的那一刻。

12、我便知道你是我无法躲避的劫难  so shame on me now  只能责怪自己  I flew me to places i’ve never been  你带我飞去,我不曾落足的角落  till you put me down oh  直至将我狠狠丢弃  i knew you were trouble when you walked in  当你走近我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱  so shame on me now  只能责怪自己  I flew me to places i’ve never been  你带我看遍。

13、我不曾浏览的风景  now i’m lying on the cold hard ground  而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面  oh oh trouble trouble trouble  劫难,陷阱。

14、无法躲避  oh oh trouble trouble trouble  劫难,陷阱,无法逃避  i knew you were trouble when you walked in  当你走进我生活的那一刻。

15、我便知道你是我的劫难  trouble trouble trouble  无法逃离,无法拒绝,无法躲避  i knew you were trouble when you walked in  当你走近我生活的那一刻。

16、我便知道你是我的陷阱  trouble trouble trouble  无法逃离,无法拒绝,无法逃避。
