导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。vstart工具(vstar电脑版这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!Semester6 roll滚动/gun dong/: v.ro...


Semester6 roll

滚动/gun dong/: v.roll

(使)...翻滚/ (shi) ...fan gun/: v.roll,turn back

(使)翻身/(shi)... fan shen/: v.roll,turn body (upside down )

翻转/fan zhuan /:v.roll

开动/kai dong/: v.roll,start

(机器)转动/(ji qi )zhuan dong/: v.roll,(mathine )roll,machine runs

运转/yun zhuan/:v.roll, run,work

(液体)滚落/(ye ti) gun luo/: v.(liquid)roll,fall.

滑落/hua luo/:v.roll,slip off drop off


/shi...cheng qiu zhuang(hup guan zhuang)/:v.roll,

roll...into sphere (or tube).

使...平坦/shi...ping tan/:v.roll,

flaten st.

压平/ya ping/:v.roll,flaten st.flatten out

把(衣服的边)卷起来/ba(yi fu de bian) juan qi lai/:v.roll,roll a rim of garment.

掷(骰子)/zhi(shai zi)/:v.roll,roll a dice

(船或飞机)摇晃/(chuan huo fei ji )yao huang/:

v.roll.(ship or aircraft )roll-bumpy

摇摆/yao bai/: v.roll,rock and roll

转动(眼睛)/zhuan dong (yan jing)/: v.roll,roll eyesball.

(眼珠)骨碌碌地转 /(yan zhuzi) gululu zhuan/: v.roll,eyesball roll quickly

摇(车窗)/yao(che chuang)/:

v.roll,roll(car window)

卷(窗帘等)/juan(chuan lian deng)/:v.roll,

roll(curtain and so on)

发出持续而低沉的声音/fa chu chi xu er di chen de sheng yin/:

adj?v?.roll,sounded deep and loud

隆隆作响/hong hong zuo xiang/:v? roll,sounded loudly

摇晃着前进/yao huang zhe qian jing/:v? roll,

going zigzag forward

蹒跚地走/pan shan de zou/: v?roll,walking zigzag.

(时间)流逝/(shi jian) liu shi/: v.roll,time goes by

(产品)从(流水线,机器)产出/chan ping cong liu shii xian,jiqi) chan chu/:v.roll.productions roll out from machine/assebemly

用颤音发出声音/yong chan yin fa chu sheng yin/: v.roll. pronounced in a roll (tougue)

(词语)轻松自如地说/(ci yu)qing song zi ru de shuo/:v.roll,roll words,sentense out easily.

流畅地吐出/liu chang de tu chu/: v.roll,

spitting/saying /talking out fluently

<非正式> 盗窃(某人,尤指喝醉或睡着的人):n?v?roll,theft

(波浪,烟,云,雾)翻滚,涌流:/(bo lang,yan,yun,wu)fangun,yongdong/:v.roll,


(土地)绵延起伏/(tu di) mian yan qi fu/:v.roll,(land)rolls,land (up and down)


(...名单在屏幕上)滚动显示/.....gun dong xian shi): v.roll.namelist rolls/shows on screen.



16:45 TT vs RA

TT:近在咫尺 临门一脚

RA:Start emo

19:00 AL vs TES





英 [kəˈmens] 美 [kəˈmens]

v. 开始,着手

com-, 强调。 -it, 走,开始,词源同 exit, itinerary, 现在分词 -ence. 双写字母 m 为早先错误写法,后成为固定拼写。

When something commences or you commence it, it begins. 使…开始; 开始

The academic year commences at the beginning of October.


They commenced a systematic search.


We commence building next week.


The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.



英 [kəˈmensmənt] 美 [kəˈmensmənt]

n. 开始,开端;<美>毕业典礼

①不可数名词 The commencement of something is its beginning. 开始

All applicants should be at least 16 years of age at the commencement of this course.


②有变体名词 Commencement is a ceremony at a university, college, or high school at which students formally receive their degrees or diplomas. 毕业典礼

President Bush gave the commencement address today at the University of Notre Dame.

