您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。at times和sometimes,at times相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、1偶尔2当、、、时3按时(可能比较不正式)看例句吧Do be there at time . 务必按时到达那里。

2、 Special electronic techniques permit a pair of wire to carry more than one conversation at time. 特殊的电子学技术允许一对铜线同时传送好几个通话 Alexander defeated the Persian Army, which at that time controlled all of Asia Minor, Modern Turkey, and had even threatened to control Greece. 亚历山大大败波斯军队,波斯人当时控制了整个小亚细亚,现代土耳其,甚至扬言要占领希腊。

3、 At time he was almost seductively charming; at other times he was boorish and obtuse. 他有时几乎表现得妩媚动人,有时却土里土气象个十足的笨伯。
