导读 8月科学教育网小李来为大家讲解下。双刃剑英文作文,双刃剑英文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!“cut corners”是挖墙脚吗?...


“cut corners”是挖墙脚吗?

“cut corners”是“偷工减料”的意思,也可以说“走捷径”。

例如:Don't try to cut corners when learning English. Stepping every step steadfastly is right attitude.



1.cut the mustard (美国俚语)获得成功,作出成绩,符合要求,符合条件


Cut我们熟悉,mustard是芥末的意思,合在一起Cut the mustard却不是“切芥末”的意思。


例如:The young man was not able to cut the mustard and he had to leave the army after only one year.



2.cut both ways 双刃剑;各有利弊;对双方起作用

例如:He told me that the strategy of finding ways and means to cut cost is a double-edged sword; it cuts both ways.



3. bowl cut 西瓜头、锅盖头

例如:His style is somewhat…retro. We love that bowl cut.


4.a cut above 高人一等;胜过一筹;比…强些;

例如:His latest novel is a cut above the rest.



5. cut dead 假装不认识;不理睬;

例如:She cut me dead in the street.


6. cut down v. 削减;砍倒;杀死;删节;胜过

例如:Most of employers are planning to cut down on wages instead of laying off employees in response to the economic depression.



7. cut sb. down to size 挫某人锐气

例如:Someone should cut that man down to size!



8.cut sb. some slack给…方便,对…网开一面


例如:It's your first day here, so I'm going to cut you some slack this time. Next time, you need to do much better.




9.cut to the chase 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)抓住重点或中心问题,集中焦点;开门见山;提到关键问题;转入(或切入)正题


例如:Hi everyone, we all know why we are here today, so let's cut to the chase.





#英语# #赖世雄的英语笔记#out of 的两种含义,你分得清吗?◆out of: (without; from ) 没有;出自 ◇说明out of 通常有两个意思,“没有⋯⋯”或“出自⋯⋯”,之后接宾语,形成许多重要的短语。例如:I did that out of curiosity. (out of 表“出自”)(我那样做是出于好奇心。)John has been out of work for a long time. (out of 表 “没有”)= John has been jobless / unemployed for a long time.(约翰失业很久了。) 例:This catalogue is out of date. It was published long ago.(这份目录已经过时了。它是很久以前出版的。)This telephone is out of order. Use the other one, please.(这个电话坏了。请你用另一部吧!)Mrs. Smith was out of town for a few days.(史密斯太太出城几天了。)That firm has gone out of business.(那家公司已停止营业。)The plane went slowly out of sight.(那架飞机慢慢地飞得看不见了。)The poor fellow went out of his mind and was put in a sanatorium.(那个可怜的家伙精神错乱,被送入疗养院。)*sanatorium n. 疗养院This piano is out of tune.(这架钢琴音调不准。)I'm afraid that we are out of gas.(恐怕我们的汽油用完了。)*以上内容出自《赖世雄流利英语惯用搭配》
