导读 8月科学教育网小李来为大家讲解下。find,my,friends,find,my,friends中文版这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!One day, I...


One day, I was delighted and surprised to find that I had a better life than my former comrades-in-arms, colleagues, friends, and relatives. This feels good, but the duration is very short. The brain is a good thing, I am not a savvy person, but many people just don't use it, and I am no exception. This time I used it occasionally, and I was surprised to find: an amazing fact; it’s not how well I mix in my circle, but that my original circle is so low; as if you have 100 yuan, every Among the people with only 10 yuan each, they became the richest! It's so simple, and it's full of dramatic cruelty.


感觉不错,但是持续时间很短。 大脑是一件好东西——-/我不是一个精明的人——-很多人只是不使用它,我也不例外。 这次我偶尔使用它,我很惊讶地发现:一个了不起的事实;

这不是我在圈子中发展程度如何高,而是我原来的圈子太低了; 好像您有100元,圈子里每人只有10元,他们就成为最富有的人! 它是如此简单,并且充满了戏剧性的残酷。

My dear friends, what do you like to do in your free time?


As we all know, with the development of the television and the Internet, many people have changed their hobbies and the way they enjoy their spare time.


Because of the television and the Internet, many people spend less time reading, the aim of this article is to give some reasons why people should read just for pleasure.


The reasons that I give you are quite simple: to improve your knowledge, to have more fun, to make your imagination fly, to find new ways to express your ideas, and to have a better understanding of the world and life. Let us enjoy reading together!

我给你们的理由很简单: 阅读可以提高丰富你们的知识,让自己头脑充实,内心有更多的乐趣,让你们的想象力自由放飞,能够找到新的方式来表达你们自己的真实想法,并能够对生命和世界有更好的全面理解。现在让我们一起享受阅读吧!

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