
母鹿The Mother Deer

 The forest was still in the early morning. 清晨,树林里静悄悄的。

The rising sun lit up the earth, the forest, and the plains. The mountains glowed with a beautiful light. Everything was at peace. 徐徐上升的朝阳照亮了大地、森林和草原。群山映出美丽的光彩,溪流泛起闪闪涟漪。万物一片静谧。

Suddenly a man appeared. He hurried across the stream and reached a meadow. This man had a strong face, big ears, eyebrows like swords, and eyes like a tiger's. He held a bow in his left hand and his quiver hung on his right hip. 忽然来了一个人,他匆匆地穿过溪流,来到草地上。此人面容刚毅,剑眉虎眼。头上戴着猎人的头巾,左手 持弓,右跨下挂着一个箭袋。他体格健壮,活力四射。这个人就是许真准。他热爱打猎。

He spotted a fawn coming out of the forest. Xu smiled and nocked an arrow. Zip! The fawn fell over almost as soon as the sound of the bowstring was heard.Just as he was about to go pick up his game, he saw the fawn's mother running to her child. 他看到一头小鹿正从林子里走了出来。搭上弓。嗖!弦刚响,小鹿就应声倒下了。许真准正要走过去拾起小鹿时,他看到母鹿奔向它的孩子。

When the mother deer saw what had happened to her baby, she whimpered and cried, and licked her baby's wound with her tongue. 母鹿看到它的孩子被射伤后,一边呜咽哀叫,一边用舌头去舔小鹿的伤口。

Xu had never expected this to happen. He watched as the mother tended her baby.The wound was too deep, and before long, the little deer died.这种情形许真准想都没想到。他一直看着母鹿护理着小鹿,但他的箭法实在太准了,小鹿伤口太深,不久便就死了。小鹿死后,母鹿也倒地死了。

Xu was amazed. He couldn't figure out why the mother deer had died, too. He took out his hunting knife and cut open her corpse to find out what was wrong. 许吃了一惊。他不明白母鹿为什么也死了。他拿出猎刀,剖开母鹿的尸体想弄个明白。

  He saw that her organs and intestines were broken into little pieces an inch long! The mother deer was so sad the her baby had been killed that she burst her innards. 他发现母鹿已经肝肠寸断了!孩子被杀死后,母鹿哀伤得五脏俱裂。

  Xu was terribly sorry about what he had done. Right away, he broke his bow across his knee and threw his arrows into the stream. He left his home and went deep into the mountains to find a Teacher. He worked hard for many years and finally became a great Buddhist. 许为他的行为感到万分懊悔。当即折断了弓,把箭扔进了河里。他离开了家到深山里去拜访名师。很多年的精进修习后,他成了一个了不起的佛/教大师。
