导读 您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。dialogues,dialogue相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、dialog==dialogue 名...


1、dialog==dialogue 名词,对话,对白的意思dialogue or dialogAHD:[dº“…-lôg”, -l¼g”]D.J.:[6dai*7l%8g, -7l%g]K.K.:[6da!*7l%g, -7l$g] ***.abbr:dial.A conversation between two or more people. 对话两个或两个以上的人之间的谈话Conversation between characters in a drama or narrative. 对白戏剧或叙述中人物之间的谈话The lines or passages in a script that are intended to be spoken. 讲演词讲演稿中的行或段A literary work written in the form of a conversation: 对话体用谈话形式撰写的文学用品:the dialogues of Plato.柏拉图的对话 Music 【音乐】A composition or passage for two or more parts, suggestive of conversational interplay. 对话乐曲起联想到对话作用的两个或两个以上部分的作曲或乐曲段落An exchange of ideas or opinions: 交换意见思想或意见的交换:achieving constructive dialogue with all political elements.同所有政治家进行了富有建设性的对话dialogue or dialog v. di.***.logued; or dialoged di.***.ing; or dialoging di.***.logues; or dialogsdialogue or dialog v.tr.To express as or in a dialogue.按或用对话表达dialogue or dialog ***.intr.To converse in a dialogue. 对话用对话交谈 Usage Problem 【用法疑难】To engage in an informal exchange of views.进行非正式的意见交换Middle English dialog中古英语 dialogfromOld French dialogue源自古法语 dialoguefromLatin dialogus源自拉丁语 dialogusfromGreek dialogos[ conversation ]源自希腊语 dialogos[ 交谈 ]from dialegesthai[ to discuss ]源自 dialegesthai[ 讨论 ]*See Also : dialectdi“alog”uer nIn recent years the verb sense of dialogue meaning “to engage in an informal exchange of views” has been revived, particularly with reference to communication between parties in institutional or political contexts. Although Shakespeare, Coleridge, and Carlyle used it, this usage today is widely regarded as jargon or bureaucratese. For example, 98 percent of the Usage Panel rejects the sentence 近些年来, dialogue的“进行非正式的意见交换”的动词含意已经被修改了,特别在指关于机构或政治方面党派之间的交往时。


3、例如:百分之九十八的用法专题使用小组的成员拒绝这种句子Critics have charged that the department was remiss in not trying to dialogue with representatives of the community before hiring the new officers.在雇用新的官员之前,评论家们已指责该部门在与社会代表的对话中对自己的职责有疏忽。
